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ID Cards and Badges

Increase Safety and Security

Identify all persons on your campus with professional ID badges and cards.

 Print highly-visible ID cards and badges for quick and easy identification
 Control access with scannable magnetic stripe credentials
Contact us today for custom card printing services

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Data Collection Size JetPak Laminating Pouch (Horizontal Slot–14 Mils) -
JetPak™ ID Credential Laminating Pouch, Data Collection Size, Horizontal Slot (14 Mil)
Item #: F85-52HSDWP
ontal Slot & IDentiGuard -
JetPak™ ID Credential Paper, Dual-Core, Data Collection Size Sheet, IDentiGuard, Horizontal Slot (34 Mil)
Dual-Core JetPak™ ID Card (CR80-Credit Card Size, No Slot) -
JetPak™ ID Credential Paper, Dual-Core, CR80 Credit Card Size Sheet, No Slot (20 Mil)
Item #: C71-DCJPCC
Data Collection Size JetPak Laminating Pouch–Hor. Slot, Bar Code Mask -
JetPak™ID Credential Laminating Pouch, Data Collection Size, Barcode Mask, Horizontal Slot (20 Mil)
Item #: F87-HSDWPCM
Credit Card Size JetPak Laminating Pouch (2.13" x 3.38", 14 mils) -
JetPak™ ID Credential Laminating Pouch, Credit Card Size, No Slot (14 Mil )
Item #: F85-52CWP
IDentiPROX™ PVC Proximity Card with Magnetic Stripe -
IDentiPROX™ PVC Proximity Access Card, Magnetic Stripe, CR80 - Credit Card Size (30 Mil)
Item #: IDPROXM26
Single-Core JetPak™ ID Card w. Horizontal Slot (Data Collection Size) -
Jetpak™ ID Credential Paper, Single-Core, Data Collection Size Sheet, Horizontal Slot (10 Mil)
Item #: C71-JETHSDC
Single-Core JetPak™ ID Card with Horizontal Slot & IDentiGuard -
Jetpak™ ID Credential Paper, Single-Core, Data Collection Size Sheet, IDentiGuard (10 Mil)
Item #: C71-JETHSDCG
Pediatric Sky designed card
Pediatric Cards for Healthcare Providers, 25 Sky-Themed Cards
Item #: PED-SKY
Pediatric Cards for Healthcare Providers, 25 Fair-Themed Cards
Pediatric Cards for Healthcare Providers, 25 Fair-Themed Cards
Item #: PED-FAIR
Pediatric Cards for Healthcare Providers, 25 Sea-Themed Cards
Pediatric Cards for Healthcare Providers, 25 Sea-Themed Cards
Item #: PED-SEA
Pediatric Cards for Healthcare Providers, 25 Camp-Themed Cards
Pediatric Cards for Healthcare Providers, 25 Camp-Themed Cards
Item #: PED-CAMP
Pediatric Space Card Front Design
Pediatric Cards for Healthcare Providers, 25 Space-Themed Cards
Pediatric Card Kit for Healthcare Providers, 1 of Each Theme -
Pediatric Card Kit for Healthcare Providers, 1 of Each Theme
Item #: PED-KIT
SMART Insert for Dual-Sided IDentiSMART ID Cards–H. Slot, CR80-CC Size -
SMART Insert for Dual-Sided IDentiSMART ID Cards–H. Slot, CR80-CC Size
Item #: SI-121
SMART Insert for Dual-Sided IDentiSMART ID Cards–Data Collection Size -
SMART Insert for Dual-Sided IDentiSMART ID Cards–Data Collection Size
Item #: SI-111

Custom Card Printing

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Who Uses ID Cards and Badges?

ID cards and badges are incredibly versatile. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that they’re popular in many different industries.

  • Healthcare: Healthcare organizations mainly use ID cards and badges to identify staff, manage access control, or track patient information.
  • Education: ID Badges and cards provide a secure way to manage students, faculty staff, and track attendance. Moreover, they ensure that only authorized individuals have access to specific school areas, reducing the risk of vandalism or theft.
  • Hospitality: If you’re working in hospitality organizations, ID badges and cards make it possible for you to easily keep track of staff hours and to identify guests.
  • Retail: A security ID card or badge ensures that only authorized employees can enter stockrooms, preventing theft and other security issues. Additionally, it helps facilitate smoother checkouts and faster transactions, as it can be scanned to automatically retrieve customer information and payment details.
  • Transportation & Logistics: A security ID badge is ideal to track the movement of personnel or shipments, which can be especially helpful in large-scale operations.


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