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Non-Expiring Visitor Badges

Simple and Effective for Identifying Visitors

These badges are the ideal solution for organizations looking for a simple, yet effective method for identifying visitors at their facility. Choose between non-expiring badges that are compatible with thermal or laser printers, or can be hand written on.

Perfect for organizations with frequent long-term guests
Slotted or adhesive badge options to fit your specific needs

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Blank Non-Expiring Visitor Badge - Slotted, Hand-Writable (Box of 1000) -
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Blank Non-Expiring Visitor Badge - Slotted, Hand-Writable (Box of 1000)
Item #: 05574
Non-Expiring Visitor Badge - Slotted, Hand-Writable (Box of 1000) -
Non-Expiring Visitor Badge - Slotted, Hand-Writable (Box of 1000)
Item #: 05568
Double-sided Non-Expiring Visitor Badge Sheets - Slotted (Pack of 500) -
Double-Sided Non-Expiring Visitor Badge Sheets - Slotted (Pack of 500)
Item #: 04301


• Non-Expiring Visitor Badges are the choice for a simple, yet effective method for identifying visitors to your facility.
• Choose between hand-writable, thermal printable, and laser printable badges to fit your specific needs.
• Additionally, choose between slotted badges that work well with clips or lanyards or adhesive badges which can quickly and easily be applied to a visitor or a clip-on badge.


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