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Visitor Badges

Identify Guests & Increase Security

Expiring visitor badges and wristbands are issued for a limited period of time to prevent guests from overstaying their welcome
TEMPbadge™ expiring badges are made with patented technology designed to provide a visual indicator when a badge is no longer valid
Non-expiring badges are a simple and effective way to identify short-term visitors

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Purple adhesive non-expiring inspection band -
TEMPbadge® Purple Adhesive Non-expiring Inspection Band (Case of 1000)
Item #: 06708

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What is a Visitor Badge?

Visitor badges are commonly used by businesses and institutions to identify visitors and control access to certain premises or areas. A visitor badge typically contains the visitor's name, the host's or company's name, date of visit, as well as the company logo, a QR code, and even a photo in some cases.

Expiring Visitor Name Badges – TEMPbadge®

Expiring visitor badges are issued for a limited period. They are affordable and great for the organization to spot the status of its visitors, even at a distance. Our TEMPbadge® expiring visitor ID badges are made with patented technology designed to provide a visual indicator when a badge is no longer valid. They help prevent guests from overstaying their welcome, increasing security on site. We offer half-day, 1-day and 7-day time frames and single or two-piece expiring visitor badges.

Non-Expiring Visitor Name Badges

Non-expiring visitor badges are a simple and effective way to identify long or short term visitors. They come in a variety of materials, sizes, and colors.
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